Thursday, 25 February 2010

Muppet gets stitched up

Muppet, the very brave skinny beige whippet has her wound stitched up by the Emergency vet. Whippets have very little fur and very thin skin so this repair looks a bit brutal. Her stitches make her look a bit like the bride of Frankenstein.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Poor Muppet's injury

Muppet was bitten in the park this sunday morning, unfortunately whippets tear very easily. Muppet ended up having over 20 stitches to hold her back together. She was very brave, a very tough beige whippet. Hooray for Muppet.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

New haircut

Muppet tries out a new hair cut.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Toothy Muppet asleep on a leopard

Muppet the small beige whippet was found sleeping with her mouth open on what looks suspiciously like a leopard.